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FAQs About Our Hemp Bedding

At Dominion Hemp, we understand that hemp and hemp bedding are relatively new products to many people. We hope these frequently asked questions and information help educate you about our incredible product.

Is Dominion Hemp bedding made from fiber hemp stalks, CBD plant stalks, or grain stalks?

Our hemp bedding is made from fiber hemp stalks. Fiber hemp is typically more mature and absorbent than CBD or grain hurd. Hurd is the material we use for the hemp bedding.

How many bags do I need for an 8' x 6' Chicken coop?

One to two bags will cover the hen boxes and an 8' x 6' chicken run. Please see our application chart on our hemp bedding for chickens page.

How many bags do I need for a 12' x 12' horse stall?

One large bag will cover 10+ cubic feet at a one-inch depth; most equine clients use three to five bags, adding one bag every 4-7 days to replace the soiled material.

Please see our Hemp Horse Bedding page for application options.

Can I use my spent/soiled hemp for composing or spread it into my field?

Yes, we have many clients who compost soiled hemp. Hemp is biodegradable and does not have the acidity of pine shavings.

There seems to be black dust in our hemp bedding. Is this dust?

No, this is called the fines of the hemp hurd. This micro-material is great for absorption and will not become airborne.

Do you sell pallets of material?

Yes, we can accommodate FTL orders at this time. Visit our Bulk Hemp Bedding page for pricing information and a quote request form.

What material is in the bag other than hemp hurd?

Our hemp bedding is 100% hemp hurd. We do not add any other material to it.

Are there any pesticides or herbicides in the hemp?

No, the material we received is grown without pesticides.

If my animal eats the hemp, will it harm them?

Your pet may initially nibble at the hemp bedding out of curiosity; this is common with many animals. They quickly lose interest. Hemp hurd is part of the plant but not appealing to many animals’ palettes.

If you notice your pet is eating abnormal amounts of their bedding, there could be an underlying issue, and you should contact a veterinarian.

We own goats and alpacas. Is the hemp bedding safe for them?

Yes, we have goat and alpaca breeders that use our hemp bedding.

If my pet eats the hemp, will they get high or fail a drug test?

This is our favorite question; the answer is NO. There is no THC in our hemp bedding.

How do I become a distributor?

To become a distributor, please visit our Distributor and Wholesaler page.

I do not have a distributor in our area. How do I purchase?

You can buy hemp bedding directly from Dominion Hemp, Amazon.com or Chewy. If you want to contact us with your favorite pet store, we will contact them about carrying our premium hemp bedding.

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